Separate Vacations

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is it ok for your husband/wife to go on an annual trip to Vegas with his/her friends?

Mitch and his buddies take an annual weekend man trip to Vegas EVERY year. Sometimes I seriously have mixed emotions about this “Man Trip”. I mean really….. is it a “Man Trip” or a “Boy Trip” Hmmmmmmmm…….Don’t get me wrong I really support male bonding, I think it’s needed.

My outlook on separate vacations is simple; we are all individuals and sometimes need time away from our reality. Although, you’re married, that doesn’t mean you’re conjoined twins. Besides a weekend with the girls, doing a little retail therapy and spa treatments can be rejuvenating.

Here is my problem with separate vacations or the “Man Trip” when it extends beyond 2 days (Houston we have a problem), Really?!?!?! 2 days should be the max….SORRY. If the image that comes to mind is your spouse at a strip club, club, dancing there a$$ off, being drunk & acting stupid (which is typical of people in their 20s), then that is what your spouse’s image is of you & your friends in Vegas. Since that behavior tends to lead to poor judgment and isn’t the actions of a married man or woman. This can cause resistance for your spouse and may lead to misinterpretation of separate vacations or the “Man Trip”.

When individuals are mature a separate vacations or “Man Trip” will consist of things that shows better judgement (i.e. playing golf, going to the movies, smoke cigars, catching a football game, NASCAR races, camping, or going fishing) this reduce any resistances, misinterpretation, and/or conflict.


amanda said...

Hey Diamond,

Being that I have been on both sides of the fence from a female point of view and male I say this I think that its ok to let your man go out or vice versa on a weekend trip with their friends. I agree with you on setting a time limit however with in reason I feel you should or he should be able to go away for a few days but not 3 weeks at a time if that's the case and if its not work related Houston "F" the problem you need to go to Houston and blow it the hell up LOL.... I feel every relationship needs their time apart as women and men in loving devoted relationships we should feel secure and confident in knowing our place and where we stand with in the others heart. Regardless if your man is out with friends for a night on the town at a club with a bunch females hanging around or if he is out in vegas for weekend with his boys at a strip club one should never be hesitant with the time a part because if you don't know where his heart is with you or on the flip side he doesn't know where your heart is with him then with the point of the relationship...

Diamond said...

Thanks Amanda I love your feedback, you brought up some good points.

Thee Adored 1 said...

I don't mind seperate vacations at ALL. I think it's very important that we as couples take the time out for bonding, it's much needed at most times. LOL. I T-TOTALLY disagree with the 2 day MAX rule, and I never put too much thought into what he's doing or might be doing, if the trust is there. One thing that I dont go for,is travling overseas WITHOUT ME!

Kris said...

I believe that seperate vacations is okay and sometimes necessary in a marriage. I agree that it should me a limited amount of time and I suppose once a year is fine also (no more). I believe this can be very helpful in a marriage and it is important to still maintain strong bonds with your friends. Many times mate need this time to find a release from the everyday stresses of regular life. Although it is vital and strongly encouraged to vaca with your spouse also, lets face it we act differently with our friends. Not to say that differently means disrespectful or that you forget your married, but for myself, I tend to throw my silly face on and goof around alot. I can also do this with my husband but its just different when you are with your girls.

I have an upcomming Girls Road Trip comming up myself and will be gone a total of four and a half days. This is only because it takes 26 hours on the road to get to the destination and 26 hours back. This is just about the longest that I am willing to go on a vaca without my husband and would not be gone as long if the drive wasn't so far.

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